Experience and

Experience and dynamism, good ideas, certainty and efficiency: that ‘s what we are all about. A friendly and rigorous voice. We’re always there, with passion. We know about the challenge of growing and transformation in an ever-changing world. We are always thinking about the profitable development of your business.

Sustainable changes really matter to us. We are always thinking about the profitable development of your company, and working towards the balance between human development and business.

Over time, we have accompanied many companies through their change and adaptation processes, helping them to reach results efficiently. Our more than 20 years of experience in an ever-changing and evolving market is our calling card. Many of our clients started this journey with us and are still by our side. For us, that ‘s our biggest achievement.

clients keep choosing us

Our Pillars We work continuously from an
aligned thought, discourse and action.
Our Pillars Honoring our agreements,
with passion.
Our Pillars We look for the best results,
we’re goal-oriented.
Our Pillars Because for us, people matter.
Consultora MIB


Consultora MIB


Consultora MIB


María Isabel Bitar

María Isabel Bitar started MIB more than 20 years ago, and she’s been the head of the company ever since. She holds a graduate degree in Business Administration, oriented towards Leadership and Strategic Planning, and her main interest is helping companies to evolve and take the big step forward from the compány they currently are to the company they want to be. With an energetic attitude and constant training in order  to offer the counselling that best fits these current times, where change is the rule.

She’s been a prominent presence in a number of fields, from teaching at the Universidad Nacional de Córdoba to lecturing at Regional and International Congresses. She has worked at big companies and in the public sector, alongside many renowned names of the corporate and governmental spheres, acquiring a wide experience in both management models. Small, middle-sized and big companies rely on her expert advice, and through her they can see their challenges from a different lens: through a strategic, holistic view that places the company and its people front and center.

Organizational development is her passion: to lead cultural changes by focusing on business strategies and communicational development of the people that hold leadership positions inside the company. She has great experience in managing generational transitions in family businesses, and from 1998 until now, she focuses her energy and know-how  on companies that aim towards their constant growth